Internal Review Consultation of the Kigali Implementation Plan – Project Proposal
The Department of Climate Change – National Ozone Unit from Ministry of MEIDECC had the opportunity to internally discuss and review a regional project document designed to control the use of HFC (Hydro-Fluoro-Carbon); a powerful greenhouse gas used as refrigerants mainly imported to Tonga for Refrigeration and Air Condition installation and servicing.
The global temperature is increasing, so as the demand for cooling. Therefore the Government of Tonga, a party of the Montreal Protocol – Kigali Amendment has jointly developed the aforementioned regional project together with other Pacific Island Countries to control and reduce the consumption of HFC according to reduction (phase out) schedule of the Montreal Protocol.
Additionally, the staff of the National Ozone Unit together with colleagues from Mitigation Division and Joint National Action Plan (JNAP) Secretariat from the Department of Climate Change had highlighted and supported the overarching project activities which underlie the Pacific Island Countries to meet compliance targets & HFC phase down schedule.
As a result of the internal review, the team from Climate Change had agreed with the national and regional components of the document such as; Policy & Regulations to support HFC Phase down, Strengthening Monitoring, Reporting, Verification and Enforcement (MRVE) for better implementation of licensing, quota and permit systems as well as other capacity building components in the Refrigeration Air Condition (RAC) and Mobile Air Condition (MAC) sectors.
With the assistance of UNEP and the Government of Australia, the Regional Kigali Implementation Plan –Stage 1 proposal is ready to be endorsed for final consideration of the Multilateral Fund Secretariat.