JNAP II – Climate Change USAID Climate Ready 

Project Documents

Project Summary
Project TypeCapacity building
Project Status Completed
Implementing Agency:Ministry of Meteorology, Energy, Information, Disaster Management, Environment, Climate Change and Communication
Project ObjectiveDevelop the JNAP secretariat Communications plan.
Coordinate all communications and awearness activities of the JNAP 2, including the TCCTF, as outlined in the Communications Plan.
Support MEIDECC advocate for the JNAP 2 AND its activities to development partners and donor institutions.
Oversee the planning, management, quality control, timeliness and effectiveness of the day to day activities of the JNAP secretariat.
Coordinate the implementation of the Annual Work Plan and all JNAP 2 activities, including the oversight of the annual administrative processing and assessment of TCCTF application for consideration by the JNAP Task force and endorsement of the TTCTF.
Coordinate and implement the JNAP 2 M&E System.
Provide overall management and technical advice and reports on the status of the JNAP 2 to the Director of DCC and the JNAP task force.
Support the CCPO with the implementation of all technical activities of the JNAP 2, including the processing of hte 2021 TCCTF project application forms.
Support the CCPO implement the JNAP 2 M&E System.
Activities Coordinate all climate and disaster activities in Tonga. This will also assist in avoiding duplication and promoting replication.
Securing variable climate finance and new climate intiatives applicable to the Tonga conext including further capitalization of CCTF.
Intergrate JNAP actions into Corporate Plans and Annual Management Plans.
Organize meetings and develop project profiles and related documentation to facilitate requests for funding and technical assisstance from donors.
Liaise with donors and development partners to secure funding and technical assisstance to implement JNAP activities.
Carry out mointoring and evaluation of the JNAP implementation including activities and projects develop under JNAP.
Provide narrative and financial reports of the JNAP on quarterly basis.

Pilot Site

  • Longomapu
  • Tefisi