Mangrove Ecosystems for Climate Change and Livelihood 

The project’s overarching objective is to help Pacific Islanders effectively manage their mangrove and associated coastal ecosystems to support/enhance livelihoods and build resilience to the potential consequences of climate change and variability on coastal areas. The MESCAL project promoted joint management and conservation of mangrove ecosystems in select areas of Tongatapu. The geographical focus of this project is limited in certain area of Tongatapu Villages surrounding the Fanga’uta Lagoon.

The project provided valuable inputs especially for the formulation of “Living with the Sea Best Practice” guideline proposed under Component 1 and when the guideline will be disseminated as part of Component 3. Effectiveness of the MESCAL project will also be captured and stored in the centrally managed database developed under Component 2.

Project Summary
Project ScopeRegional
Project TypeCapacity Building
Knowledge Communication
Focus AreaAssessment
Community-based approach
Start Date2012
End Date2014
Short TitleMESCAL
Project StatusCompleted
Implementing AgencyMinistry of Environment and Climate Change
Project Donor International Union for the Conservation of Nature [Germany/IUCN]

Pilot Site

  • Fanga’uta Lagoon